1. 개발 현황
1. IK Rig
2. IK Retargeter
3. Behavior Trees
4. Control Rig & Alpha
2. 상세 개발 내용
1. IK Rig
2. IK Retargeter
- 결과
3. Behavior Trees
4. Control Rig & Alpha
애니메이션 동작 시 Alpha 값을 0으로 설정하여 간섭이 없도록 함
4. 참고자료
- Control Rig와 Alpha 관련 동작
Control Rig and Alpha
I am sorry but I fail to understand what are you doing at the end of the lesson, when we changing the Alpha value of the Control rig in the AnimGraph. I was able to do it, and crouching work without deforming the character, but I dont understand what is th
- 애니메이션 자동 리타게팅 (5.4)
- 애니메이션 리타겟팅
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