
1. 개발 현황

2. 금일 개발 내용

1. 단검 무기 구현

- 일정 시간 간격으로 무기를 발사하는 로직 구현

2. localPosition & position 차이로 인한 버그 수정

1) 객체 위치 초기화 로직 구현

mWeaponCtrl[i].transform.name = "WeaponCtrl" + i;
mWeaponCtrl[i].transform.parent = GameManager.instance.mPlayer.transform;
mWeaponCtrl[i].transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
mWeaponCtrl[i].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

// mWeaponCtrl[i].transform.position = Vector3.zero;
// mWeaponCtrl[i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

2) 아키텍처 구조

- GameObject

  - Player

    - WeaponCtrl0 (<- 초기화 적용, localPosition = Vecter3.zero)

      - WeaponPool (<- 초기화 적용, localPosition = Vecter3.zero)

        - RangePrefab0 (Active)

        - RangePrefab0 (Active)

        - ...

        - RangePrefab0 (!Active)

    - WeaponCtrl1

      - WeaponPool

        - RangePrefab1 (Active)

        - RangePrefab1 (Active)

        - ...

        - RangePrefab1 (!Active)

    - WeaponCtrl2

    - ...

    - WeaponCtrl7



1. 무기 구현

1) 도끼

2) 마늘

3) 거미줄 공격

4) 원거리 폭발형 공격

4) etc...

2. 캐릭터 구현

3. 골드 및 경험치 드롭 구현

4. 필드 장애물 구현

5. 필드 드롭 아이템 구현

6. 필드 이벤트 구현

4. 참고자료

- TODO (메모리 최적화 및 객체 관리 방법 검토 방법)

1. https://blog.unity.com/games/optimize-your-mobile-game-performance-tips-on-profiling-memory-and-code-architecture-from


Optimize your mobile game performance: Tips on profiling, memory, and code architecture from Unity’s top engineers | Unity Blo

When profiling your game, we recommend that you cover both spikes and the cost of an average frame in your game. Understanding and optimizing expensive operations that occur in each frame can be more useful for applications running below the target frame r


2. https://forum.unity.com/threads/transform-position-vs-localposition-performance-question.1204726/


Transform Position vs LocalPosition (Performance Question)

So, I just learned that modifying Transform.position is less performant than modifying Transform.localPosition. This is because whenever you modify...


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